We have given detailed information about Talati Cum Mantri jobs in Gujarat, such as Talati Cum Mantri Qualification, Eligibility, Exam Pattern, Old Exam paper with solution, Gk Materials, Exam Fees, Salary, Best Book for Talati Cum Mantri, etc.
Many students are waiting for this post and at present, there is no recruitment in DPSSB Talati Cum Mantri. There may be some major recruitment in this section in the future.
Talati Cum Mantri Bharti Qualification, Syllabus, Old paper Gujarat 2022
The District Panchayat Service Selection Committee invites online application forms for the selection of candidates for direct recruitment to the following Talati Cum Mantri (Class-III) vacancies. For this, the candidate has to apply on the website https://ojas.gujarat.gov.in at intervals the stipulated time. The District Panchayat Service Selection Committee conducts this examination in every district separately.
So interested candidates should keep a watch on the official website and Rojgar advertisements. We have a tendency to place information associated with every type of job during this blog.
In this post-selection method, only written examinations will have to be given. There is no need to give an interview for this exam. However, that may change in the future.
GPSSB Talati Cum Mantri Recruitment 3437 Posts 2022 (OJAS)
- Village Panchayat Secretary (Talati Cum Mantri)
Total No. of Posts: 3437
Talati Cum Mantri Qualification Gujarat 2022
Gujarat Talati Cum Mantri Bharti EligibilityQualification for Talati Cum Mantri jobs is 12th Pass with knowledge of Computer, Hindi, and Gujarati language. Candidates must also have knowledge of the local language and must have studied (like Gujarati subject) the respective local language.

Talati Cum Mantri Age Limit GujaratCommon Talati Cum Mantri Post Age Limit – The candidate should be Between 18 to 35 years.

The last time the exam was taken in 2016-17, there were 100 MCQ-type questions.
- LanguageGujaratiTotal Marks 100
- Type MCQ questions
- Duration 01 Hours
Negative Marking:

- Minus -0.3 for the incorrect Answer
- Minus -0.4 for Blank Answer
- Minus -0.6 for Many choice Answer / Erasure Answer
Note: If you are doing not wish to answer any question sometimes, then choose the “Not Attempted” option this might result in no negative marking.
Talati Cum Mantri Syllabus Gujarat 2022
Gujarati language Sahitya and Grammar35 marksMaths 15 marks
General Knowledge 35 marks
English Grammar 15 marks
Talati Cum Mantri syllabus pdf download: Click Here

- Gujarati up to standard 1 to 12
- Gujarati Grammar
- Alankar
- Chand
- Jodani
- Virudharthi shabdo
- Samanarthi shabdo
- Sandhi
- Samas
- Rudhiprayog
- Translating
- Shabdkosh etc.
- Comprehension
- Gujarati Sahitya
- Writer and Poet questions.
- English Up To STD. 6th to 12th.
- English Grammar
- Word formation etc.
- General Knowledge
- Word correction
- Translating
- Indian Constitution
- Current Affairs
- Geography
- Natural resources
- Agriculture and industries of Gujarat
- Gujarat Politics
- Sports
- Economy
- Gujarat’s cultural heritage, religion, and art
- General Intellectual Test
Maths questions Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning kind questions
- Clocks (ઘડિયાળ)
- Calendar (કેલેન્ડર)
- Sadu Vyaj (સાદું વ્યાજ)
- Chakravrudhi Vyaj (ચક્રવૃદ્ધિ વ્યાજ)
- Ghanmul (ઘનમૂળ)
- Sambhavana (સંભાવના)
- Nafo Ane Khot (નફો અને ખોટ)
- Sarerash (સરેરાશ)
- Time and Distance (સમય અને અંતર)
- Varg ane Vargmul (વર્ગ અને વર્ગમૂળ)
- Takavari (ટકાવારી)
- Gunottar ane Praman etc. (ગુણોત્તર અને પર પ્રમાણ)
- Blood Relation (લોહીના સંબંધ)
- Diagram (આકૃતિ)
- Number and Later Series (નંબર અને અક્ષર)
The Exam pattern and syllabus are given here are as per the recruitment of Talati Cum Mantri taken in 2016/17.
Talati Cum Mantri Salary Gujarat
For the first five years, recruited candidate’s salary are of Fix Rs 19950/- per month in 2022. From below candidates can see the Official Notifications For Talati Cum Mantri Post. The probation period will start from the day of the join.
Best Books for Talati Cum Mantri Exam Gujarat
We have given here a list of books that can be helpful for the Talati Cum Mantri examination.
Gujarat Talati Cum Mantri Old Exam paper with solution Pdf
Talati Cum Mantri question paper pdf download Here
- Gujarat Talati Cum Mantri Old Paper pdf 1 | Question Paper | Answer
- Old Paper pdf 2 Gujarat Talati Cum Mantri | Question Paper | Answer
- Gujarat Talati Cum Mantri Old Paper pdf 3 | Question Paper | Answer
- Old Paper pdf 4 Gujarat Talati Cum Mantri | Question Paper | Answer
- Gujarat Talati Cum Mantri Old Paper pdf 5 | Question Paper | Answer